On a recent trip to Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, W.Bro. Dave Fisher and I were presented with this photograph by Bro. John Chicoine and asked if we could help identify the Apron and if possible the Lodge from which it orginated. This Apron is understood to have belonged to a Thomas Robert Smith, an Estate Gardener and Mason in Leavenshire, England between 1865 and 1890.
Following consultation with the United Grand Lodge of England Library and Museum, they are unable to identify the Apron but are continuing to investigate. It is possible that it may be an American Lodge, Knights Templar or Scottish rather than English so any help that any Brother can give in helping us will be thankfully received and faithfully applied. We have not been able to locate a Leavenshire in England, however, there is a Leavening, North Yorkshire and a Leavenheath, Suffolk, so any assistance from Brothers in these areas would allow us to at least remove them from our search.
If you have any information that would help us please e-mail me by clicking this icon
Sincerely and Fraternally
W.Bro. Peter Edwards